December newsletter: Belonging without having to Fit In
I find it inordinately difficult to get to the end of a self-help book. Sometimes they are good ideas badly written and I can’t get past...
December newsletter: Belonging without having to Fit In
Thought provoker
Freedom Model
Thought Provoker
November newsletter
Choice and Responsibility
Exciting News! 2025 Course Dates are Now Available
Thought Provoker
October newsletter
"Could It Only be Two Streams of Attention?" with Sophie Stephenson
Thought provoker
Thought Provoker
When You Can't Listen
Managing the Response Stream
Thought Provoker
Thought provoker
August newsletter: Lost and Found
Youtube: Doing and Being
"If grief can be a doorway to love, then let us all weep for the world we are breaking apart so we can love it back to wholeness again." -Robin Wall Kimmerer
Succeeding at Failing: A Recipe for Human Refinement